After any breast surgery, whether it be lumpectomy, mastectomy, reduction or breast enhancement it is really important that ladies can get to feel as well and as comfortable as possible for a healthy, speedy recovery. It is vital that correct post surgical bras and under garments are worn.
The team at The Brave Hen are accredited Specialists when it comes to ascertaining what your requirements may be and often the surgeon requires the correct post op compression garment. Compression garments are developed to stabilise the operated breast during the healing phase.
The Brave Hen have a lovely varied range of Amoena solution compression bras and these help protect sensitive scar tissue and reduce irritation. This minimises the risk of post surgical oedema, reduces swelling, pain and supports wound healing. Sometimes after a breast reduction the Surgeon recommends to have your bra ready to wear post op from theatre.
The Layla bra (that comes sealed and has been bacterially processed is the ideal solution.) You may think you’re going to be a “DD” size when in fact you’re a “D” so that the Layla bra is an holistic one size that supports and fits all. The compression bras go from zero to high support and what you need is determined by the surgeon.
If you’ve spent all the time and money in breast reconstruction or enhancement it makes good sense to not skimp on your post op garments. In the past some ladies have preordered from a chemist and had to wait weeks without actually trying and feeling the garments.
The belly binder and compression pants are coming soon. Both products will enhance recovery with correct support as belly fat is used in some reconstructions.
The Brave Hen is your One Stop Post OP recovery shop. From the minute you’ve had surgery, through to treatments and the recovery process and then back to where we all want to feel sassy and feminine The Brave Hen has you covered. With their exotic leisure kaftan range and beautiful selection of swimming costumes to suit all sizes you will not only feel great and comfortable through your recovery you will also look terrific.